1. Notes on Tea

    Lovely family, stories, and observations!

  2. ·

    This is an inspiring post and I am sure your path and those of others will be fuller of light.

  3. Ashli Johnson Young

    I absolutely adore this post and your blog as a whole. It was very uplifting and encouraging. I especially enjoyed the photos and tidbits about your ancestry. I can’t wait to try coconut sugar in my tea now. Jo- I think I am allergic to chamomile tea. Has anyone ever heard of such?

    1. ·

      Yes, Ashli; there are certain herbs that may cause adverse reactions in some people. Please be careful and read your labels, chamomile is a very popular ingredient in many tea and herbal blends. Thank you for your support reading my blog.

  4. Cuz Carol

    Wow! Thank you for sharing and taking me down memory lane! What a wonderful tribute to the amazing three! It helps to understand why we are who we are with such strong women as examples! Thank you!!

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