It’s been quite a while since I have ventured into these Grey Dragon tea leaves.
My first experience with this tea was at World Tea Expo 2015.
I have mentioned in previous posts, that I follow Geoff Norman, SteepStories/Lazy Literatus, around the Expo.
He has the gift of finding the most unusual offerings being sampled and our palates are very similar.
When he “discovers” a unique sampling, you can be sure, in the usual state of tea drunken revelry, will share his find with those he knows would have an interest.
This year our paths were on different roads and a chance meeting, at a juncture, Geoff mentioned I must visit Chariteas booth for she had a few unique teas from Indonesia she was premiering.
I sauntered over, met the lovely lady, and drank a few cups.
One cup, which stayed in memory, was Grey Dragon.
Charity kindly provided me with a few samples to take back with me and when I got home I placed them in my “Reserved for a Special Time” basket.
That special time occurred last evening.
At our last online G+ tea gathering, it was decided Grey Dragon, would be our choice for this months tasting and review.
Prep & First Steep
I followed the packet directions for brewing 195degrees water temperature, 3-5 minute steep in a gaiwan vessel.
I decided on the lengthier steep (5 minutes) for I was in the mood for heftier brew. Grey Dragon did not disappoint.
The first notes I detected were those of moss.
I closed my eyes momentarily and imagined being in a moss-enveloped garden.
This was what I remembered from my first encounter with Grey Dragon that charmed me so.
Now placed, by that brief moment of reflection, into a tranquil space, I proceeded to interact with my fellow participants: Geoff; Rachel, I Heart Teas; Nicole, AmazonV/TheDevoteaUSA; and a new comer to our group William of Sir William Of the Leaf.
Later that evening, Nicole Martin, Tea For Me Please, joined us.
The liquor brewed between shades of yellow and greenish gold, deepening with subsequent infusions.
It was mentioned in our discussion that the mouth-feel and notes were reminiscent of a white, no green, no yellow, tea so as you can tell by our inability to be definitive, the tea is quite unique.
My second steep reveled notes of stone fruit, which maintained their presence throughout 2 additional, steepings. I chose to time these for 6 minutes each.
I believe I could have gotten another steep from this cup but my tea drunkenness was beginning to show. I apologize to the new comer.
The conversation, as customary, ran the gamut from brewing vessel choices, water temperatures to current tea affairs.
By 1:30am I had to bid adieu to the last two remaining members of our group and make my way to sleep and dreams of Grey Dragon and a group of amazing tea friends.
Thank you Chariteas for providing me another memorable tea experience.
If I have peaked your interest in this tea, or would like to see her other “teas from Asian roads less travelled” please visit Chariteas website or e-mail about this offering.
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Thank you for a lovely review. I’m glad you enjoyed the tea and it brought you to a tranquil place.