1. ·

    Well that was unexpected! Oh, I hope you know that seeing you was one of the highlights of my trip. I had just walked in to the Expo and saw you through the glass, sitting at a table in the sun. I had to go straight over, interrupting your conversation, and get a hug. You are good for my soul. Next time we’ll plan to see each other in NYC.

  2. ·

    Katrina that day, coming soon will be fantastic!

  3. ·

    Great roundup Jo! Every time I read someone’s WTE post, I learn of a booth or event that I wish I hadn’t missed. I think I will shadow you next year!

  4. ·

    A great finish to the series Jo. It was wonderful seeing you again and can’t wait until next year in Las Vegas. Perhaps this time we will get that tan you talked about. 🙂

    1. Philip Holmans

      Thanks for the mention, it was great finally meeting you in person

  5. ·

    Each post on this even is unique and shows those who couldn’t go there a different view on this event.
    Thanks for sharing.

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