Last evening, I received a notice that the United States League of Tea Growers is accepting memberships. I can happily say today I am a member.
Three years ago, in Las Vegas I had the pleasure of attending one of the first meetings of this fledging organization and heard the mission and vision that a group like this could accomplish.
I have been in tune with the activities of the group, and even made an attempt to make a recent meeting they held in Mississippi. Part of this meeting covered visiting operating tea fields and tea growers in the area. I was so dismayed that I could not attend.
The concept of growing tea here in the U.S. is one that has interested me for quite a while, as I could not understand why tea growing never really caught on in a big way in our country, especially in the South where “Sweet Tea” reigns.
On a visit to Portland, Oregon, I was also pleasantly surprised that both my Portland friends were growing Camellia Sinensis in their gardens.
Through the actions of USLTG the U.S. tea growing scope grew in earnest. Many people now grow tea all over our country with a focal initiative “Adopt a Tea Plant” and the #teaacrossamerica initiative. I wished, I too, could enjoy the experience of growing the leaf.
Recently, I purchased tea seeds through one of my tea sisters and began the journey. Without the help of USLTG, this may not of happened. USLTG, as well as Nicole Martin, Tea For Me Please, have helped me in the initial set-up and propagation. These photos are the results to date.
Growing Tea In Harlem has always been a dream of mine and seeing the progress of these seed gives me hope (just look at that tiny little leaf :-))
The whole experience makes my membership in USLTG even more rewarding.
The organization can use help from all the tea drinkers on our shores and to those who espouse the ideal of “Made In America”, and efforts in supporting sustainable farming, this is one good way to assist in reinforcing these concepts.
Funds generated will go into research, development and support, as the league:
- Actively encourages the growing and production of high value specialty teas within the USA, promotes farmer collaboration, and encourages new growers.
- Represents tea farmers and their views with the US Tea Council and the International Tea Committee.
- Works with both academia and commercial companies to stimulate machinery and systems development to enable high technology agronomy and harvesting and to produce best-method handbooks of proven practical advice on growing, harvesting and processing tea.
I thank all those who have worked tirelessly to construct and develop this organization, especially, Nigel Melican, Jason McDonald, and Naomi Rosen.
For more Information regarding membership click here.
For those of you who would like to order tea seeds for your own growing experience click the highlighted words.
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Go tea leave, go!!!
Soon you will be drinking your own tea.
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Congrats Jo! So great to finally meet you in person at the WTE!