I enjoy celebrations. The time we take to gather together and join with family, friends and community, to recognize the little joys we may have and the great blessings we have been gifted.
This Thanksgiving will come with mixed blessings, as the state of many and the current ways of the world are mired in injustice.
I am reminded to maintain an “attitude of gratitude” and yes, I am grateful, I am blessed, and life is hard.
One of my blessings comes in the form of the leaf that has brought many joys into my life.
Tea…The endless cups of salvation on days when the despair is overwhelming. The posts on FaceBook and Twitter from my friends in the leaf that remind me there are likeminded people in this world. We all have our trials and tribulations. A “LIKE” on a thought or a comment on a post can help change my perspective.
So this Thanksgiving, I will take the time to hoist a cup of each of these teas in tribute to some those who have made my journey special.
I will start my Thanksgiving morning with a cup of Earth Morning a blend of my own combining Pu-erh, Ceylon and Keemun in tribute to my achievement and recognition of my ITEI Institute Instructors; Sylvana and Brigitte. Thank you both for your patience.
For our late morning brunch I will pair the cinnamon waffles with the last remnants of Apple Harvest by The Tea Lovers Archives, Darlene Meyers-Perry, in tribute for the sweetness she has added to my life.
For the Football afternoon snacks there’s Matcha on the menu in both my cup and on my plate. Matcha Dusted Cheese Doodles along with Matcha Unjonotomo by Harney & Sons.
Our Traditional holiday, Turkey and the fixin’s dinner would not be complete without a pot of my mom’s favorite tea, that she still calls “the good tea”, Lord Petersham by The Devotea, Robert Godden. This tea a complement to any meal
Evening movie time and dessert will be complete with Crown Heights Chai by Tea Philosophy, Verna Hamilton, a great match with the basic apple pie and ice cream my family enjoys. I may just create simple syrup from the tea to place on top of the ice cream. Yum.
Bedtime brew will be Serengeti’s Honeybush to complete and confirm the end of a successful day, thank you Caranda.
We will start off simply with tea, toast and jam, complimented by Lochan Tea Limited, Doke Black Fusion thank you Vivek and Rajiv.
Still full from last evening’s meal, our bunch will be appetizer snacks of Delice de Bourgogne Brie, seasonal fruit and slivers of prosciutto, along with a 2005 Aged Oolong (Jin Huan) by Bingley’s Teas; Julia Matson will work splendidly.
Early Dinner, leftovers are on the menu. There’s nothing better than second day Turkey Feast, why you ask? Well, for one reason, I don’t have to cook! The meal will be vegetable heavy, kale, brussel sprouts, baked acorn squash and a green tea, Organic Jaksul Green, ChutMool from Hankook Tea. Thank You Mina.
Time to add a little sweetness to the table with Creamy Pumpkin Spice created by IHeartTeas to highlight the Carla Hall’s Pecan Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream. Rachel, thank you.
Food filled and in rest mode I will take time to enjoy Celebration by Harney & Sons in honor of the memory of John Harney.
Morning Fruit and almond silver dollar pancakes will be highlighted by one of my own blends Rose Thè Macaron Blanc a white tea blend with bourbon vanilla notes, a favorite of Jen Piccotti thanks Jen.
The lazy afternoon will be spent watching Football and eating Brazilian Coconut Popcorn and IHeartTeas; I Dream Of Milk and Coconut Oolong.
Finger sandwiches for a light lunch will be an assortment that will include any leftover turkey on challah bread and sandwich bites of egg salad along with Wild Tea Qi’s, Wild Lapsang Souchong thank you Shana.
Dinner Roasted Lamb, Herb Crusted Potatoes and Southern Green Beans Redux; Thank you Sanura Weathers. For the tea, Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black by Butiki teas a staple that has kept me off the ledge many a day, thank you Stacy.
For dessert and delight we will watch reruns of Downton Abbey nibbling on Mille-Feuille and sipping Lady Violet by The Tea Lovers Archives I know no better way to end a Holiday Weekend and being thankful for the blessings and people in my world.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who will be celebrating this week and not to forget all those who have given me hope and encouragement over this year, all of my Immediate Family, the ladies and gentlemen of Movement Of The People Dance Company, as well as, Myra, Nuwr, Marilyn, Janet, Ana, Stephanie, David, Jackie, Peter, Natasha, Nicole M. and Nicole S., Courtney, Yoon Hee, Geoff, Margo H, Ken, Xavier, Bram, Lynda, Kristyn, Andy, Michele, Linda V., Gail, Judith, Deborah, Robert M., Sara, Michael J., Tony G., Katrina, Lisa, Linda G., Chris G., Naomi, Gary, Jason W., Joy, Terry, Melanie, Omar, Nancy K., Lorraine, Elyse, Jo Ann, Chris C., Chris H., Lisa, Susan S., Alicia B., “O”, Erminia, Barbara S., Jason McD, Renee, Erica, Shirlyn, Helen, Nigel, James N.P., Keith, Jowell, Henry T., Milton N., Vijay I., Kerry W., Viola D. and all those whom I have met whose names too many to mention .
And yes, Xavier, I will be drinking a lot of tea 🙂
*note Apple Harvest by The Tea Lovers Archives has been discontinued as well as Bukiti Tea, Wild Taiwanese Black, I think I may have the last of these J
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Did you read my mind? I was just thinking that and I read the last lines…
This is something to consider: does tea facilitate telepathy?
Enjoy these days and all these teas.