1. ·

    I must agree with you.
    The list consists of one great tea blogger: Jen
    The others are just using blog technology as a way of disseminating their information.
    I must say I agree with your list above, and not just because I am on it.
    Looking at all the categories, I’m pretty disappointed with some of the nominees.
    And some of the categories. What about the “Marketing Hype Over Facts” award? “What about the “Most Exploitative Working Conditions ” award? Both would be hotly contested.
    The book category rewards mediocrity and playing the game. As long as you have stunning pictures you are a contender.
    And last, there’s a sameness to the nominees. The world of tea is far more diverse that the list. That’s not to criticize the nominees, just the feeling that your if face doesn’t fit, don’t bother to apply to WTE.

  2. ·

    I feel the exact same way for many of these nominations. Of the nominees for best tea blog, three directly asked their readership and social media networks to nominate their blogs. I believe that this does skew the results. While I respect and admire every one of them, my vote went to Bonnie’s blog. She definitely surpasses us all when it comes to creativity and photography skills. Thank you for the kind mention!

  3. ·

    I completely forgot to vote. So, my opinion is rather moot on the subject. However, had I made the ballad deadline in time (which would’ve been notoriously out of character for me), my vote would’ve gone to Jen as well. Whether she means to or not, her blog is actually telling a rather cohesive, slice-of-life story – her story. And that’s worth tuning into.

    Now, Most Follicly Blessed Tea Blogger Award goes to…?

    C’mon, this is an easy one.

    1. ·

      I have yet to see a photo of you with a beard and long hair so there could be a run off 🙂

  4. ·

    Did not hear of it till now. But I agree that the category is too wide. It is almost about tea website instead of blog. A nice category on its own.

    I hope this does not end in a popularity contest.

  5. ·

    There was a vote? I always miss the good stuff.

    Thanks to you, I know have more blogs to read.

  6. ·

    @jobj why a beard and long hair? It never happened and i don’t think it will ever.

    1. ·

      LOL @xavier, I was referring to Geoff I have never seen a photo of him with a beard or long hair and I’m sure he is could compete for the award he mentioned.

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